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šŸœƒ About Divine Femme šŸŒ¹

Divine Femme is a pebble and ripple in the global pond of mass awakening as humanity collectively shifts to 5D Unity Consciousness (New Earth).

Sarah is an intuitive sales and business mentor and feminine embodied leadership coach serving conscious and soulful female leaders, creatives, visionaries, business professionals, entrepreneurs, and personal brands primarily in the US, Canada, UK, Europe, and Australia that are here to make an impact and uplift humanity.

Sarah shines a light on the RISE of the Divine Feminine (not gender specific) journey to Oneness and theĀ shift taking place individually and collectively as we EMBODY our Divine Nature and actualize our highest authentic timeline and potential in this lifetime.

In her programs, Sarah loves to shine a light on the feminine/masculine shadow, divine feminine archetypes, and the dualistic nature of the play of creation expressed as the feminine (yin/shakti) and masculine (yang/shiva) polarity while pointing to the underlying fabric of all existence, the unconditional LOVE that you BE.

With over 25+ years in sales, business development, and consulting, Sarah bridges the gap between energetics, spirituality, and business to help conscious heart-centered entrepreneursĀ andĀ businesses worldwide raise their brand frequency andĀ master the art of feminine-alignedĀ sales andĀ magneticĀ marketing.


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